PTSA Membership – Join!
Be a part of PTSA community 2024-2025
Support our Students and Staff/Teachers
ANYONE can be a member of our PTSA! Parents, Students, Teachers, Neighbors, Small Local Business Owners, etc…
Everyone’s membership fee is $15.00
Student’s membership fee is $5.00
Our goal this year at the PTSA is to raise monies to continue helping our teachers, parents, students and administration by supporting/organizing:
- Teachers’ Grants
- Student Recognition Awards & Scholarships
- College & Career Center events
- Parent Education Nights
- Staff Appreciation
- Homecoming Dance Food/Decoration
- AP Info Night host
- Grad Night event planning & host
- Community collection of E-waste & Goodwill
The membership drive is our largest fundraiser for the year. We appreciate your basic $15 membership fee. This fee pays our dues to the California PTA organization. Any and all ADDITIONAL donation above the basic membership fee goes directly to PROSPECT HS. We use this money to support the programs mentioned above and more. We ask that you please consider making a TAX-DEDUCTIBLE donation to PROSPECT HIGH PTSA.
Donation Levels: Helps us to …
Diamond: $1,000.00 + $15.00 membership | Sponsors a teacher grant, Supports Grad Night |
Platinum: $500.00 + $15.00 membership | Sponsors Student events like Homecoming, Awards, AP Night |
Gold: $250.00 +$15.00 membership | Funds Parent Education Nights |
Silver: $100.00 + $15.00 membership | Supply Staff Appreciation |
Bronze $50.00 + $15.00 membership | Support College & Career Night events |
Membership fee: $15.00 | Be PTSA in basic functionality with limited support to our community. |
Join and Donate
We use Totem to help our membership and donation process through a mobile-friendly, easier (for donors and membership volunteers) and more secure system. Please JOIN or RENEW your membership to our PTSA! All registrants will receive a PTSA membership card.